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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

descriptionjava and MySQL Emptyjava and MySQL

mySQL the database
mySQL workbench : a GUI for CRUDing sql DBs
connectorJ : enables java platforms to work with sql DBs

mySQL installer : a package with the above 3

DL said installer from :
choose the community DL (mySql-installer-community- and fire it up.

on the wizard choose: custom, mySQL server 5.7_mySQL server 5.7.21 - x64 + applications mySql workbench,
standalone mtSql server/classic, config type : development machine tcp/ip open +firewall+ port 3306,
invent pass, config mysql as win service + start server at sys startup + run service as standard

in the workbench creating a DB and table in it is right click intuitive.
PK : primary key FK (foriegn key): the PK parallal in a 2nd DB. therefor an FK can not be null.
those keys are used for join methods which are used for displaying the fusion between DBs.

you need to refresh after queries there is a refresh button in the SQL explorer window near the DB.


aggerate functiokns

MySQL query conjurations :

select * from testdb1.testtable;
select * from databeName.someTableName;

--this is a comment
mysql aggregate functions :

stored methodes :

A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that can be stored in the server.
1 situations where stored routines can be particularly useful:
2 when security is paramount

When the routine is invoked, an implicit USE db_name is performed (and undone when the routine terminates). USE statements within stored routines are disallowed.
You can qualify routine names with the database name. This can be used to refer to a routine that is not in the current database. For example, to invoke a stored procedure p or function f that is associated with the test database, you can say CALL test.p() or test.f().
When a database is dropped, all stored routines associated with it are dropped as well.

strored methodes

join queries

ready made example DB for practice : northwind :
run this query (in the mysql workbench) to create it :
run this query to populate it with data


Last edited by Moti Barski on Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:08 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionjava and MySQL EmptyRe: java and MySQL

java and MySQL 299e5b

get this jar file :


create new java project

create packages
DAL : data access layer where you put the sql codes
NTW query sql are the select codes, non query are the CRUD codes that modify the DB
BLL : buisness logic layer where you get the user input ready and readable for the DAL tier (3rd tierS)
PL : presentation layer - main class

create a new folder in said java project : right click project in the package explorer, new, folder
(I named it JARs), next copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar file into said folder.

right click the project in the package explorer, build path, configure build path
in the libraries tab click add JARs, choose mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar. finally
go to the order and export tab, check the mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar, click on apply and close btn.
in the PAL package (the one where all the special spl codes are) : right click, new, file, I called it add text to in said file :


for extra users add :

using a file allows you flexibility for replacing DBs in case of need.
when your project is online the user and pass are the ones you get from the host server.
the url is your domain

in the class change :


connect = DriverManager .getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/feedback?"+"user=sqluser&password=sqluserpw");

to get the path right click it, properties.

to :


Properties properties = new Properties();
         FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(
         connect = DriverManager.getConnection(properties.getProperty("DBURL"), properties.getProperty("DBUSER"),

descriptionjava and MySQL EmptyRe: java and MySQL

using java eclipse oxygen to call an SQL stored procedure :


public String useStoredProcedure(){
   (CallableStatement callable=connection.prepareCall("(call storedProcedureName(?,?))")){
      String name = callable.getString(2);
      return name;
}catch(SQLException e){e.printStackTrace();}

the stored procedure used signature :
PROCEDURE `storedProcedureName`(in x int, out y varchar(50))
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