are you hungry
will result in her telling if she is hungry

also she will automatically inform you if and how much hungry she is :

DHungry class (java) :


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DHungry extends AbsCmdReq implements Neuronable {
   // basic skill created, lets add it to the living grimoire :D
    * this is some new skill I made for the MGTOW Artificial General Intelligence
    * this agi platform enables the programmer to finish a project with one code
    * line by simply adding the skill new skills are published to the site, pick
    * skills and add them to your agi instance ok so watch how easy it is
   private String reply = "";
   private int powerLv = 100;
   private int threshHold = 60;
   private RegexUtil regexUtil = new RegexUtil();

   public void output(Neuron noiron) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      if (reply != "") {
         AbsAlgPart itte = new APSay(1, reply);
         AbsAlgPart itte2 = new APSay(1, "shiku shiku");
         String representation = "hungry reply";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         if (reply.equals("i am hungry")) {

         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("hungry reply", representation, algParts1);
         reply = "";
      if (powerLv > 90) {
         threshHold = 60;
      if (powerLv < threshHold) {
         threshHold = ((powerLv / 10)) * 10;
         AbsAlgPart itte = new APSay(1, "I am hungry power level" + threshHold);
         String representation = "hungry";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("eat", representation, algParts1);

   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      if (ear.contains("are you hungry")) {
         if (powerLv < 91) {
            reply = "i am hungry";
         } else if (powerLv > 90) {
            reply = "power level over 90";
      String myString = regexUtil.regexChecker("(\\d+)(?= charge)", skin);
      if (myString != "") {
         powerLv = Integer.parseInt(myString);


MainActivity kotlin : (gets b8Tri power level) :


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DHungry extends AbsCmdReq implements Neuronable {
   // basic skill created, lets add it to the living grimoire :D
    * this is some new skill I made for the MGTOW Artificial General Intelligence
    * this agi platform enables the programmer to finish a project with one code
    * line by simply adding the skill new skills are published to the site, pick
    * skills and add them to your agi instance ok so watch how easy it is
   private String reply = "";
   private int powerLv = 100;
   private int threshHold = 60;
   private RegexUtil regexUtil = new RegexUtil();

   public void output(Neuron noiron) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      if (reply != "") {
         AbsAlgPart itte = new APSay(1, reply);
         AbsAlgPart itte2 = new APSay(1, "shiku shiku");
         String representation = "hungry reply";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         if (reply.equals("i am hungry")) {

         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("hungry reply", representation, algParts1);
         reply = "";
      if (powerLv > 90) {
         threshHold = 60;
      if (powerLv < threshHold) {
         threshHold = ((powerLv / 10)) * 10;
         AbsAlgPart itte = new APSay(1, "I am hungry power level" + threshHold);
         String representation = "hungry";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("eat", representation, algParts1);

   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      if (ear.contains("are you hungry")) {
         if (powerLv < 91) {
            reply = "i am hungry";
         } else if (powerLv > 90) {
            reply = "power level over 90";
      String myString = regexUtil.regexChecker("(\\d+)(?= charge)", skin);
      if (myString != "") {
         powerLv = Integer.parseInt(myString);


:lol!: don't worry I fed her