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the LivinGrimoire Artificial General Intelligence software design pattern forum

descriptionDIDirty skill EmptyDIDirty skill

DIDirty skill 3iv9kq

made this to test mutation of actions within algorithms, and to do other stuff 🤷 :


package chobit;

public class APFilth1 extends AbsAlgPart implements Mutatable{
 Boolean mode = false; // manual
 final int PAUSELIM = 3;
 final int MANUALLIM = 5;
 final int AUTOLIM = 3;
 int countDown = MANUALLIM;
 int moanPause = 0;
 Boolean isCompleted = false;
 enumFail failure = enumFail.ok;
 int CountDownLatch;
 String myMoan = "make a creamy";
 public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
 if (countDown < 1) {
 isCompleted = true;
 if (!mode) {
 this.failure =;
 isCompleted = false;
 return "finished";
 switch (ear) {
 case "can i fuck you":
 return "no you may not fuck me";
 case "auto":
 countDown = AUTOLIM;
 mode = true;
 case "manual":
 countDown = MANUALLIM;
 mode = false;
 case "ok":
 this.isCompleted = true;
 return "i love you";// *finisher
 case "continue":
 case "again":
 countDown = (!mode) ? MANUALLIM : AUTOLIM;
 if (moanPause < 1) {
 moanPause = PAUSELIM;
 return myMoan;
 // continue on gyro input
 if (skin.contains("shake")) {
 countDown = (mode) ? MANUALLIM : AUTOLIM;
 return "";

 public Boolean itemize() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return false;

 public enumFail failure(String input) {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return this.failure;

 public Boolean completed() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return this.isCompleted;

 public AbsAlgPart clone() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return new APFilth1();
 public int getMutationLimit() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return 1;

 public AbsAlgPart mutation() {
 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 return new APFilth2();
} :


package chobit;

public class APFilth2 extends AbsAlgPart implements Mutatable {
   Boolean mode = false; // manual
   final int PAUSELIM = 3;
   final int MANUALLIM = 5;
   final int AUTOLIM = 3;
   int countDown = MANUALLIM;
   int moanPause = 0;
   Boolean isCompleted = false;
   enumFail failure = enumFail.ok;
   int CountDownLatch;
   String myMoan = "lick my feet";

   public String action(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      if (countDown < 1) {
         isCompleted = true;
         if (!mode) {
            this.failure =;
            isCompleted = false;
            return "finished";
      switch (ear) {
      case "can i fuck you":
         return "no you may not fuck me";
      case "auto":
         countDown = AUTOLIM;
         mode = true;
      case "manual":
         countDown = MANUALLIM;
         mode = false;
      case "ok":
         this.isCompleted = true;
         return "i love you";// *finisher
      case "continue":
      case "again":
         countDown = (!mode) ? MANUALLIM : AUTOLIM;
         if (moanPause < 1) {
            moanPause = PAUSELIM;
            return myMoan;
      // continue on gyro input
      if (skin.contains("shake")) {
         countDown = (mode) ? MANUALLIM : AUTOLIM;
      return "";

   public Boolean itemize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return false;

   public enumFail failure(String input) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return this.failure;

   public Boolean completed() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return this.isCompleted;

   public AbsAlgPart clone() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return new APFilth2();

   public int getMutationLimit() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return 1;

   public AbsAlgPart mutation() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return new APFilth1();


Last edited by Moti Barski on Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:14 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDIDirty skill EmptyRe: DIDirty skill



package chobit;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DIDirty extends DISkill {
   private Boolean exeAlg = false;

   public DIDirty(Kokoro kokoro) {
      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

   public void input(String ear, String skin, String eye) {
      if (ear.contains("horny")) {
         this.exeAlg = true;

   public void output(Neuron noiron) {
      if (this.exeAlg) {
         AbsAlgPart AP1 = new Chi(this.kokoro, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), new APSay(1, "cum toilet"));
         AbsAlgPart AP2 = new Chi(this.kokoro, this.getClass().getSimpleName(), new APFilth1());
         String representation = "dirty";
         ArrayList<AbsAlgPart> algParts1 = new ArrayList<>();
         Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm("dirty", representation, algParts1);
         exeAlg = false;

descriptionDIDirty skill EmptyRe: DIDirty skill

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