package AXJava;
import LivinGrimoire.Algorithm;
import LivinGrimoire.DiSkillV2;
import LivinGrimoire.Neuron;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class SkillHubAlgDispenser {
// super class to output an algorithm out of a selection of skills
// engage the hub with dispenseAlg and return the value to outAlg attribute
// of the containing skill (which houses the skill hub)
// this module enables using a selection of 1 skill for triggers instead of having the triggers engage on multible skill
// the methode is ideal for learnability and behavioral modifications
// use a learnability auxiliary module as a condition to run an active skill shuffle or change methode
// (rndAlg , cycleAlg)
// moods can be used for specific cases to change behavior of the AGI, for example low energy state
// for that use (moodAlg)
private ArrayList<DiSkillV2> skills = new ArrayList<DiSkillV2>();
private int activeSkill = 0;
private Neuron tempN = new Neuron();;
private Random rand = new Random();
public SkillHubAlgDispenser(DiSkillV2...skillsParams) {
for (DiSkillV2 skill : skillsParams)
public SkillHubAlgDispenser addSkill(DiSkillV2 skill){
// builder pattern
return this;
public Algorithm dispenseAlgorithm(String ear, String skin, String eye){
// return value to outAlg param of (external) summoner DiskillV2
if (!tempN.negativeAlgParts.isEmpty()){
return tempN.negativeAlgParts.get(0);
if (!tempN.algParts.isEmpty()){
return tempN.algParts.get(0);
return null;
public void randomizeActiveSkill(){
activeSkill = rand.nextInt(skills.size());
public void setActiveSkillWithMood(int mood){
// mood integer represents active skill
// different mood = different behavior
if ((mood>-1) && mood < (skills.size())){
activeSkill = mood;
public void cycleActiveSkill(){
// changes active skill
// I recommend this method be triggered with a Learnability or SpiderSense object
if (activeSkill == skills.size()){
activeSkill = 0;