the brain algorithm
I moti barski do not allow anyone and or anybody and or any organization to receive monetary profit from this yotamarker unless writtenly approved by me personally.
you can use this for research.
invention name "yotamarker"
yotamarker v9 aka vKyu aka A.I platform aka chatbot
Background of the Invention
the field of endeavor to which the invention pertains is:
data processing-artificial inteligence.
Brief Summary of the Invention
the invention is a software that makes the
computer mimic the brain action of thinking for three brain types :
human, animal, human and animal combination.
the subject is also known as AI(artificial intelligence), the brain
algorithm, the brain software, artillect , chatbot and chobits.
however for efficiency reasons this software excludes several brain
dreaming,laughing and cerabellum.
the software was tested on windows xp profetional servicepack3 ,
amd dual core computer and msi u100 (netbook) laptop and worked glitchlessly.
Brief Description of the Several Views of the Drawing
the drawing features the software form and its controls.
please refer to the drawing added with the invention specification
below are the controls numbered as to be read on the drawing left to right up to down.
2 control name: ear ,type: textbox ,maxlength 21 (characters).
3 control name: sleep1 , type: button.
4 control name: skin ,type: textbox ,maxlength 21 (characters).
5 control name: label1
6 control name: progressbar1 , type progressbar ,this will display emotion
value.maximum value 100.
7 control name: sleepybar , type progressbar ,when it depletes the
software will go to sleep. maximum value 100.
8 control name: RadioButton1, text : human
9 control name : cbStartTic text : stop ticking
11 control name: RadioButton2, text : animal
12 control name: textbox4, maxlength : 21 (characters), visible: false
13 control name: button4, text add, visible: false
14 control name: RadioButton3, text : combo
15 control name: button5, visible false, text: remove all animal goals
16 control name: checkbox1 , type: checkbox visible false.
17 control name: label3 type: label.
18 control name: checkbox2 , type: checkbox.
19 control name: label2 , type: label
20 control name: textbox2 ,type: textbox , visible false.
21 control text: enable type: button ,visible false.
22 timer : enabled false, intervals 3000
the rest of the controls properties are set to default.
developed by moti barski from israel
contact me at :
The invention is a software written on visual basic 2010 express edition.
contents by chapters (organized chronologicaly respectingly to the software stages
(stages/ chapters 2 - 14 ):
1 prologue : variables and overall explanation
2 input
3 goalprefrence
4 the 3 free will formulas
5 the animal algorithm
6 snew : present future
7 cry
8 energy calibration
9 action
10 added reflexes
11 feedback
12 prophesy : the future
13 emotion value change
14 cycle sense
15 linger
16 sleep
17 wake
19 stand by
20 eye
21 activation : how to work the software
22 paradox
23 cerabellum
24 personality setting technique
25 robotics
26 multiple personalities
27 conclussion
28 appendix : addable features
28.2 cyborg : convert vision to skin data
29 recorder program(stand alone program)
30 the code : the full code of the software as written on visual basic 2008 express
31 eye class
1 prologue
anything can be argued, but one thing is certain I think therefore I am. in the
following I will expand on the concept of thinking via explaining about my
software that mimic the brain action of thinking.
the core of thinking
the following variables represent the core of thinking and I will be using
them in my explanations :
g s p
g : goal , past, , context , subject (important data element)
s : sub goal , present time , input , consciousness
p : prophesy , future , output , action
data storage
data is stored like such (respectingly):
address: gs , gs(emotion value) , g
data: p , value , value
g,s,p store text data (strings) of 1 line each. every one of those data
pieces about 21 characters.
value is a numeric representation of emotional values which will be
further elaborated in the "emotion value change" chapter.
g , s and p can all be classified as profephesies :
g is master prophesy , s is sub prophesy and last but not least ,p is a
regular prophesy.
2 input
the brain works in cycles revolving around a timer tic event. in each
cycle there is an array of procedures that activate:
input, goalprefrence, the 3 free will formulas, snew, cry, energy calibration, action,
feedback ,prophesy, emotion value change, cycle sense and sleep wake procedures
out of that cycle.
the 2 primary senses of the brain are (seeing or hearing) and feel(skin)which are
cycled as such:
see or hear , see or hear , feel. those senses are represented as text in the software
( I named their textbox controls ear , skin (see more about this in the code).
ok lets begin with the ear input: the variable cur (short for current)
will save its(the ears') current(latest) data. so cur = ear.text. if there
is no data (quite) a counter (lazycount) increments by 1, if it riches 4
the curiousity emotion fires up (represented each time by an increasing
number 0 - 4) else (there is data) then repeatition is checked for at each cycle,
compared to the data in the previous 2 cycles.
examples of repeatition : 1 , 1 ,3 or 2,2,2 or 5, 6, 5 aka a palindrom.
notice , however, that dddd,1,2 isn't a repeatition because d repeats
inside a cycle. at the feedback stage S = cur.
if the eye class is used (see stand by chapter) lazycounter will be increased if there
is no audio data input or the image seen( *see eye chapter) repeated.
if there is repeatition an enger emotion is fired up represented by the
character "^".
if the sense cycle(the current sense being used) is skin then s = last
thought aka inner voice aka prophesy(see prophesy chapter) ,unless
there is skin input like a touch that overides it(the last thought), and data
(prophesy or touch or big temprature change) saves to the s variable.
the taste and smell senses which are not in the code (yet) are overide
senses. when they get input it overides the ear input.
3 goal prefrence
now that we have our delicious input data (in variable S) its time to
refer to the goal.
this stage is mostly used for counting or threatning. if g = s meaning
the goal has manifested then a prophesy is extracted from gs(of g and goal
temp (g,goaltemp respectingly g,s)) then goal temp = prophesy, and p now
equals goaltemp. goaltemp is arbitraraly set to "$" by default. this and
many of the stages can be also understood when running the software step
by step in visual basic 2008 express edition.
4 the 3 free will formulas
the cats meow , the 3 free will formulas ( developed by moti barski
( just a reminder )). the first two formulas determine action for a
specific event in a specific context.
legend : g = goal, s = input, p = output
gs is a dictionary type variable of goal subgoal keys as strings and its
values are emotionvalues as integers:
key(g & s as string), value(respective g & s as integer)
gd is a dictionary type variable of goal keys as strings and its values
are emotionvalues as integers:
key(g as string), value(respective g as integer).
formula 1 of 3 : if gp ( gs of gp ) + sp( gs of sp ) < gsnew ( gs of g,snew ) +s,snew
( gs of s,snew). then activate the regret procedure and now the new prophesy of the
current gs is snew ( p = snew ).
regarding formula 1, if snew (refer to its chapter) current data was
input more then half its goal value times betwin wake, sleep procedures or cry(if activated)
, sleep procedures the formula doesnt trigger an event (regret procedure).
formula 1 does not activate if g = s or if s doesn't exit in snew dictionary.
formula 2 of 3 : if gp ( gs of gp ) + sp( gs of sp ) <= gcur ( gs of g,cur ) +s,cur
( gs of s,cur ). then activate the regret procedure and now the new prophesy of the
current gs is cur ( p = cur ).
formula 3 of 3 : this formula determine the goal aka context for the software :
if gs( gs of gs ) + 1 < p( gd of g ) then g = p thats basicly all there is to it for more
elaboration refer to those formulas in the think procedure.
the + 1 of formula3 determines if the software will behave like a man or a woman
for the range 0-3 the lower the more manlly, this range is called the corpus collusm.
if the +1 is replaced by a higher number ( 2 or 3), 1 - 5 days per month the software
will think as a women.
5 the animal algorithm
the bee's knees , the animal brain.for humans any data piece
compilation (thought) can be a goal, while animal goals cyrcle around
survival. mostly animals would have about only 4 goals for example:
the user will chose 1 of 3 brain modes by pressing on a radio button
on the form : human, animal, combo. the user choised brain mode is
saved on a text file in the volaris named folder that is in the chobits
code wize the difrence manifests in the 3rd freewill formula, in the
animal case when a survival goal is prophesized the current goal is
reset to that prophesy. the above mentioned animal (survival) goals are
saved to a folder I arbitrarely named animal, as the software loads it
loads all the animal goals to the animal dictionary variable (of string,
string),than when the software reaches the 3 free will formulas it
will execute 1 of three :
1 if the user chose the animal brain mode and the prophesy is one of the
animal goals the goal is set to the prophesy string.
2 if the user chose the human brain mode : this case was mentioned
in the chapter "the 3 free will formulas" see formula 3.
3 if the user chose the combo brain mode and the software systeins
the condition of the 3rd free will formula or the prophesy is contained
in the animal dictionary, than the goal is set to the prophesy string.
additionaly, animals have diffrent input sensors and output devices.
I moti barski do not allow anyone and or anybody and or any organization to receive monetary profit from this yotamarker unless writtenly approved by me personally.
you can use this for research.
invention name "yotamarker"
yotamarker v9 aka vKyu aka A.I platform aka chatbot
Background of the Invention
the field of endeavor to which the invention pertains is:
data processing-artificial inteligence.
Brief Summary of the Invention
the invention is a software that makes the
computer mimic the brain action of thinking for three brain types :
human, animal, human and animal combination.
the subject is also known as AI(artificial intelligence), the brain
algorithm, the brain software, artillect , chatbot and chobits.
however for efficiency reasons this software excludes several brain
dreaming,laughing and cerabellum.
the software was tested on windows xp profetional servicepack3 ,
amd dual core computer and msi u100 (netbook) laptop and worked glitchlessly.
Brief Description of the Several Views of the Drawing
the drawing features the software form and its controls.
please refer to the drawing added with the invention specification
below are the controls numbered as to be read on the drawing left to right up to down.
2 control name: ear ,type: textbox ,maxlength 21 (characters).
3 control name: sleep1 , type: button.
4 control name: skin ,type: textbox ,maxlength 21 (characters).
5 control name: label1
6 control name: progressbar1 , type progressbar ,this will display emotion
value.maximum value 100.
7 control name: sleepybar , type progressbar ,when it depletes the
software will go to sleep. maximum value 100.
8 control name: RadioButton1, text : human
9 control name : cbStartTic text : stop ticking
11 control name: RadioButton2, text : animal
12 control name: textbox4, maxlength : 21 (characters), visible: false
13 control name: button4, text add, visible: false
14 control name: RadioButton3, text : combo
15 control name: button5, visible false, text: remove all animal goals
16 control name: checkbox1 , type: checkbox visible false.
17 control name: label3 type: label.
18 control name: checkbox2 , type: checkbox.
19 control name: label2 , type: label
20 control name: textbox2 ,type: textbox , visible false.
21 control text: enable type: button ,visible false.
22 timer : enabled false, intervals 3000
the rest of the controls properties are set to default.
developed by moti barski from israel
contact me at :
The invention is a software written on visual basic 2010 express edition.
contents by chapters (organized chronologicaly respectingly to the software stages
(stages/ chapters 2 - 14 ):
1 prologue : variables and overall explanation
2 input
3 goalprefrence
4 the 3 free will formulas
5 the animal algorithm
6 snew : present future
7 cry
8 energy calibration
9 action
10 added reflexes
11 feedback
12 prophesy : the future
13 emotion value change
14 cycle sense
15 linger
16 sleep
17 wake
19 stand by
20 eye
21 activation : how to work the software
22 paradox
23 cerabellum
24 personality setting technique
25 robotics
26 multiple personalities
27 conclussion
28 appendix : addable features
28.2 cyborg : convert vision to skin data
29 recorder program(stand alone program)
30 the code : the full code of the software as written on visual basic 2008 express
31 eye class
1 prologue
anything can be argued, but one thing is certain I think therefore I am. in the
following I will expand on the concept of thinking via explaining about my
software that mimic the brain action of thinking.
the core of thinking
the following variables represent the core of thinking and I will be using
them in my explanations :
g s p
g : goal , past, , context , subject (important data element)
s : sub goal , present time , input , consciousness
p : prophesy , future , output , action
data storage
data is stored like such (respectingly):
address: gs , gs(emotion value) , g
data: p , value , value
g,s,p store text data (strings) of 1 line each. every one of those data
pieces about 21 characters.
value is a numeric representation of emotional values which will be
further elaborated in the "emotion value change" chapter.
g , s and p can all be classified as profephesies :
g is master prophesy , s is sub prophesy and last but not least ,p is a
regular prophesy.
2 input
the brain works in cycles revolving around a timer tic event. in each
cycle there is an array of procedures that activate:
input, goalprefrence, the 3 free will formulas, snew, cry, energy calibration, action,
feedback ,prophesy, emotion value change, cycle sense and sleep wake procedures
out of that cycle.
the 2 primary senses of the brain are (seeing or hearing) and feel(skin)which are
cycled as such:
see or hear , see or hear , feel. those senses are represented as text in the software
( I named their textbox controls ear , skin (see more about this in the code).
ok lets begin with the ear input: the variable cur (short for current)
will save its(the ears') current(latest) data. so cur = ear.text. if there
is no data (quite) a counter (lazycount) increments by 1, if it riches 4
the curiousity emotion fires up (represented each time by an increasing
number 0 - 4) else (there is data) then repeatition is checked for at each cycle,
compared to the data in the previous 2 cycles.
examples of repeatition : 1 , 1 ,3 or 2,2,2 or 5, 6, 5 aka a palindrom.
notice , however, that dddd,1,2 isn't a repeatition because d repeats
inside a cycle. at the feedback stage S = cur.
if the eye class is used (see stand by chapter) lazycounter will be increased if there
is no audio data input or the image seen( *see eye chapter) repeated.
if there is repeatition an enger emotion is fired up represented by the
character "^".
if the sense cycle(the current sense being used) is skin then s = last
thought aka inner voice aka prophesy(see prophesy chapter) ,unless
there is skin input like a touch that overides it(the last thought), and data
(prophesy or touch or big temprature change) saves to the s variable.
the taste and smell senses which are not in the code (yet) are overide
senses. when they get input it overides the ear input.
3 goal prefrence
now that we have our delicious input data (in variable S) its time to
refer to the goal.
this stage is mostly used for counting or threatning. if g = s meaning
the goal has manifested then a prophesy is extracted from gs(of g and goal
temp (g,goaltemp respectingly g,s)) then goal temp = prophesy, and p now
equals goaltemp. goaltemp is arbitraraly set to "$" by default. this and
many of the stages can be also understood when running the software step
by step in visual basic 2008 express edition.
4 the 3 free will formulas
the cats meow , the 3 free will formulas ( developed by moti barski
( just a reminder )). the first two formulas determine action for a
specific event in a specific context.
legend : g = goal, s = input, p = output
gs is a dictionary type variable of goal subgoal keys as strings and its
values are emotionvalues as integers:
key(g & s as string), value(respective g & s as integer)
gd is a dictionary type variable of goal keys as strings and its values
are emotionvalues as integers:
key(g as string), value(respective g as integer).
formula 1 of 3 : if gp ( gs of gp ) + sp( gs of sp ) < gsnew ( gs of g,snew ) +s,snew
( gs of s,snew). then activate the regret procedure and now the new prophesy of the
current gs is snew ( p = snew ).
regarding formula 1, if snew (refer to its chapter) current data was
input more then half its goal value times betwin wake, sleep procedures or cry(if activated)
, sleep procedures the formula doesnt trigger an event (regret procedure).
formula 1 does not activate if g = s or if s doesn't exit in snew dictionary.
formula 2 of 3 : if gp ( gs of gp ) + sp( gs of sp ) <= gcur ( gs of g,cur ) +s,cur
( gs of s,cur ). then activate the regret procedure and now the new prophesy of the
current gs is cur ( p = cur ).
formula 3 of 3 : this formula determine the goal aka context for the software :
if gs( gs of gs ) + 1 < p( gd of g ) then g = p thats basicly all there is to it for more
elaboration refer to those formulas in the think procedure.
the + 1 of formula3 determines if the software will behave like a man or a woman
for the range 0-3 the lower the more manlly, this range is called the corpus collusm.
if the +1 is replaced by a higher number ( 2 or 3), 1 - 5 days per month the software
will think as a women.
5 the animal algorithm
the bee's knees , the animal brain.for humans any data piece
compilation (thought) can be a goal, while animal goals cyrcle around
survival. mostly animals would have about only 4 goals for example:
the user will chose 1 of 3 brain modes by pressing on a radio button
on the form : human, animal, combo. the user choised brain mode is
saved on a text file in the volaris named folder that is in the chobits
code wize the difrence manifests in the 3rd freewill formula, in the
animal case when a survival goal is prophesized the current goal is
reset to that prophesy. the above mentioned animal (survival) goals are
saved to a folder I arbitrarely named animal, as the software loads it
loads all the animal goals to the animal dictionary variable (of string,
string),than when the software reaches the 3 free will formulas it
will execute 1 of three :
1 if the user chose the animal brain mode and the prophesy is one of the
animal goals the goal is set to the prophesy string.
2 if the user chose the human brain mode : this case was mentioned
in the chapter "the 3 free will formulas" see formula 3.
3 if the user chose the combo brain mode and the software systeins
the condition of the 3rd free will formula or the prophesy is contained
in the animal dictionary, than the goal is set to the prophesy string.
additionaly, animals have diffrent input sensors and output devices.