the main feature we see in gatebox is:
the AI predicting the user getting home
the AI getting worried/impatient for the user to get home
this timing enables the AI to light up the smart house in time
or heat up the water for user to shower.
there are lots of possibilities for such a skill. auto send comes to mind.
so I made a skill stem.
when user returns the time is recorded, and the AI will predict
user to return 10 minutes before that.
using my new Cron module, every 50 minutes after that she will
be worried/impatient for user to come home, and do so 2 times.
her impatience is actually tied to a switch code so it can be very customized as to what she does
each time.
(these params can be changed)
python skill code:
class DiMisser(DiSkillV2):
def __init__(self):
self._pl: PlayGround = PlayGround()
self._cron: Cron = Cron("15:00",50,2)
self._responder: Responder = Responder("welcome", "i have missed you", "welcome back")
# Override
def input(self, ear: str, skin: str, eye: str):
if ear == "i am home":
self._outAlg = self._diSkillUtils.simpleVerbatimAlgorithm("dimisser", self._responder.getAResponse())
if self._cron.trigger():
n: int = self._cron.getCounter()
match n:
case _:
self._outAlg = self._diSkillUtils.simpleVerbatimAlgorithm("dimisser2", f'hmph {n}')