Brain b1 = new Brain();
GamificationP blab = new GamificationP(new DIBlabber("talking"));
b1.logicChobit.addSkill(new GamificationN(new DiTime(),blab).setCost(2));
b1.hardwareChobit.addSkill(new DiSysOut());
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("enter input");
String str1 = scanner.nextLine();
while (!str1.equals("exit")){
str1 = scanner.nextLine();
the gamification classes are adaptor patterns, they wrap a skill.
the P module (+) increases the gain part of the gamification module, the same as moneymaxing in a game.
the N module (-) only engages the skill if there is enough gain accumulated, and "pays" accumulation if the N skill
actually does something.
in this example, you have to talk with the chatbot (engage the blab skill), in order for it to do things
like tell you the time, date, year, good morning(other part of day).
in other words, it's somewhat like karma or putting the chatbot in a good mood.
a theory claims that gamification increases user engagement, but this post is more about the potential of skill wrapping.
check out the code: