FRspeaker40x40 while the main program file of a livingrimoire program contains the list of it's skills,
another part of a livingrimoire's self is the experiences it undergone.

which is where imprint skills play a part.
these skills record the input that goes through a livingrimoire, or imprint these inputs
into a different or same LivinGrimoire.

the advantages to the imprinting technique range from preserving a livingrimoire's personality
to speeding learning processes, to personality manipulation.

which skills a livingrimoire is loaded with only goes to effect which skill will react during the
imprint process. the more skill similarities between the imprint recording livingrimoire to the
imprinted livingrimoire, the more imprint effect.

=>non-homologous imprinting(just homologous would mean the exact skills in both livingrimoires).

this is the adding of the 1st imprint skill:


brain.logicChobit.addSkills(DiImprint_PT1(app.brain.logicChobit), DiImprint_PT2())

saying imprint will run the imprint data in the kiln.txt file into the livingrimoire.
DiImprint_PT2() only informs the process is underway, while DiImprint_PT1 does the imprinting.

and here is an imprint recorder skill added to a livingrimoire:



start recording/stop recording to record the input.

these skills are just examples and there is potential to a variety of imprint skills.